IXEG 737-300 Updated to v1.33
International X-Plane Engineering Group (IXEG) has updated its 737-300 Classic to version 1.33. The latest update contains numerous bug fixes, improvements, and minor new features. IXEG has only recently returned from their very long development hiatus, although work now seems to be full steam ahead.
The changelog for v1.33 is as follows:
Bug fixes:
- Fixed gizmo crash when picking a runway that is not supported by the selected STAR
- Fixed gizmo crash when selecting certain procedures while the LEGS page is open on left CDU.
- Fixed spelling error that caused problems with case sensitive operating systems
- Fixed rolling digits behaviour on FLT ALT (pressurization) window when scrolling down with mousewheel
- Fixed EGT indicator needle on steam instruments not pointing to correct values
- Fixed FO side glass pane not moving with sliding window
- Fixed weird altitude restrictions shown, like 0000A/5000B
- Prevent wind display going blank in flight with strong headwind and low groundspeed
- Prevent windshear warning going off when not warranted
- Fixed various lua errors related to procedure selection
- Made N1 fan disk be opaque when viewing engine from behind while running
- Enabled fire warning/fire fighting and auto-shutdown for APU
- Enabled engines to restart after extinguishing a fire without having to reload aircraft
- Implemented full ignition system behaviour (electrical supply, start- and selection switch dependencies)
- Increased "grab area" of both-throttle manipulator for VR and mouse users
- Adjusted "grab area" of engine start switches to be more intuitive
- Added many custom commands that can be mapped to hardware or keys
Added 8.33kHz support for the radios
Customers can update their 737 copy by redownloading the aircraft from X-Aviation. Threshold’s Podcast Inflight recently got to interview Tom Kyler of IXEG, that episode can be listened to here. Previous articles about IXEG can be found here. The original forum post is available for view here.
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