PMDG Updates 737 Lineup for MSFS

Update 3.00.0087 is now available for customers, bringing a list of fixes to their Ultimate Flight Tablet for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

PMDG’s last product update for this year is mostly minor, aiming to “squash a few items that we felt were disruptive,” according to Randazzo’s own words. The next update will be available in a few weeks, focusing on adding more functionality and features, as previously promised. The changelog follows below:

12817: [EFB - Navigraph Charting Functions] Navigraph map-type choice (IFR low/high/etc.) should be persistent (rmurdoch)

12610: [EFB - Navigraph Charting Functions] Save users pref of aircraft symbol in settings (rmurdoch)

12832: [EFB - Performance and Computational] New menu data for 777 (cbpowell)

12635: [EFB - General] Day/Night should default to most applicable and allow over selection please (rmurdoch)

12831: [EFB - General] Make signal bar reflect currency of airplane pings (rmurdoch)

12569: [EFB - General] Utilize MSFS built-in airport data for OPT (rmurdoch)

PMDG had mentioned in their last development update that the update would be submitted to the marketplace as soon as it was made available for customers. Still, its intake process might take longer than usual because of the end-of-the-year holidays.

PMDG’s aircraft lineup for Microsoft Flight Simulator is available on their website, with prices ranging from $34.99 to $64.99.

Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!

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