PMDG Updates 777-300ER for MSFS
PMDG has recently issued a new update to their newly released Boeing 777-300ER for Microsoft Flight Simulator, bringing a few more fixes to the WASM issues, sound tweaks, and news on future updates for the DC-6 and 737s.
In an unusual fashion, the forum post begins with a paragraph on a future DC-6 update, which will improve texture clarity on gauges and dials and many of the placards and indicators throughout the flight deck. The update stems from what they have learned with the 737 and 777, which were initially applied on an experimental basis but were deemed too good to be kept private.
The following bit details an SU15-induced issue that led to the aircraft freezing entirely, although the simulator would keep running. They claim it has to do with changes in how the platform handles C++ code issues that otherwise wouldn’t cause crashes. PMDG has been working hard to find and mitigate the triggers to provide maximum stability.
Said fixes are being rolled out gradually on the 777 and will also be rolled out to the 737 in due time. A beta version has been pushed out to their testers so they can ensure it’s working fine before a full rollout.
PMDG is confident that update 2.00.0037 will give the 777 stability and protection against the SU15 issues that were unmasked with the help of their testers and customers. They have found most of the root causes and dealt with them accordingly.
With that being said, their “guard is still up,” and bug reports are still being constantly evaluated, with more fixes on the way.
The next update is already being worked on, and it’s anticipated to include a fix for the long filenames problem and a potential new feature: Navigraph data might be updated through the Ultimate Flight Tablet. Other fixes are also pending. The changelog for today’s update follows below:
PMDG 777 for MSFS - 2.00.0037 MICRO
Released 2024-07-11
14362: [General - Flight Model] Relax FBW Envelope Protection (emvaos)
14439: [General - Flight Model] Relax Bank Angle protection (BAP) (emvaos)
14535: [FMS/AFDS - VNAV] Protecting TRANS/REST SPD ALT restriction in CLB page from offpath flying (emvaos)
14281: [ACARS - CPDLC] When can we expect is not a "request" into Hoppie (rmiroszewski)
13792: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] KLM Cabin partitions (psterling)
13806: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] KLM: seatback IFE (psterling)
14505: [External Model - Geometry] Hole on galley ceiling (jbrown)
14525: [ACARS - CPDLC] Extraneous character spilling out of CPDLC message window EICAS (hvanrensburg)
14380: [ACARS - CPDLC] CPDLC ACPT of FL change does not reach controller (hvanrensburg)
14334: [Sounds - External] Engine sounds in mid-power range adjustment needed. (jdoorman)
14500: [Sounds - External] Hydraulic ADP sounds too soft in external view (jdoorman)
14501: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Slat/Flap sound needs geometric bounding (jdoorman)
14251: [Systems - Lighting - VC/2D] Rotary knobs for Instrument lighting no longer turns smoothing holding the mouse button? (abashkatov)
14284: [General - Unsure] Cabin lights staying on lower % undr certain conditions (rsrandazzo)
14450: [General - Unsure] Cabin lights remain on (rsrandazzo)
14528: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Dead pixel in MCP ALT window (vscimone)
13977: [FREEZES - All Types] Freeze cancelling CPDLC message (abashkatov)
14545: [External Model - Geometry] Texture inverted in the last row of the first business class cabin (jbrown)
13288: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Engine sounds at high power settings (internal & external) (jdoorman)
14254: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Engine sound on approach too loud (jdoorman)
14498: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Cabin Sound looping (jdoorman)
14337: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] A/B switch does not make any sound when clicking on Disarm (hvanrensburg)
14310: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] Vatsim D-ATIS only ARR (hvanrensburg)
13139: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Flap lever moving very quickly (hvanrensburg)
14494: [Systems - Flight Controls] Key Binding for incremental Speedbrakes does not work (rsrandazzo)
14519: [ACARS - Weather Related Functions] TWIP send button is not operational (hvanrensburg)
14432: [ACARS - CPDLC] Plane freezes on accepting new ATIS message (hvanrensburg)
14422: [FREEZES - All Types] WASM failure in cruise appearing to be related to a PMDG uplink sever response failure. (hvanrensburg)
14514: [Apps - LightsNSwitches] Analog standby instruments do not dim (abashkatov)
14456: [External Model - Geometry] Door emergency lights ON even with emergency ligths not ON (jbrown)
14507: [External Model - Geometry] IFE sticks out (jbrown)
14523: [External Model - Geometry] IFE Visible in exterior model when off (jbrown)
14491: [Systems - Pressurization] sliding window lock handle (hvanrensburg)
14503: [External Model - Geometry] Hole/missing texture on Cabin ceiling (jbrown)
14512: [Systems - Lighting - VC/2D] Aft Galley lighting inop (jbrown)
14495: [Main Panel - Standby Gauges] Jitter in ISFD indicated airspeed (abashkatov)
14522: [External Model - Geometry] Cabin Lights; quality (jbrown)
14306: [ACARS - CPDLC] CPDLC message formatting (hvanrensburg)
14282: [ACARS - CPDLC] Voice contact request didn't make it to HOPPIE (hvanrensburg)
14295: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] FLIGHT INFORMATION COMM page ATIS functionality (hvanrensburg)
14408: [ACARS - CPDLC] COMM ATC Messages not reading correctly (hvanrensburg)
14488: [ACARS - CPDLC] Long free text bugged (hvanrensburg)
14486: [Virtual Cockpit - Geometry/Textures] Black space around knobs in Captain EFIS panel (vscimone)
14497: [External Model - Geometry] Engine Rivets (jbrown)
14472: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] control wheel jittery movement (hvanrensburg)
14440: [General - Flight Model] Small adjustements to FLCH gains for deceleration in descent (emvaos)
14461: [General - Flight Model] Minimum maneuvering speed amber band model adjusted (in a turn) (emvaos)
14360: [Sounds - External] pack/hydraulics sounds play in drone but not spot views (jdoorman)
14350: [Sounds - External] APU sound to low. (jdoorman)
13564: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Packs on Hydraulic Pressurisation (jdoorman)
14326: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] The flaps audio doesn't fade out and cuts out abruptly... (jdoorman)
14485: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] Doors 5L/R cannot be opened from CDU Doors page after Disarming All (hvanrensburg)
14365: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] AI traffic noise in the cockpit (jdoorman)
14469: [External Model - Geometry] Fan blades smaller than engine cowling (jbrown)
14473: [External Model - Geometry] Aircon connections not correctly placed (jbrown)
14378: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] no knobs acceleration with wheel mouse up/down (abashkatov)
14460: [Systems - Lighting - Exterior] Wing Light too dim at night from Cabin (jbrown)
14323: [ACARS - Datalink/Connectivity] Can’t send requests on COMM (hvanrensburg)
14276: [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Window closing sound timing (jdoorman)
14358: [Virtual Cockpit - Functionality/Click-Spots] Emergency Lights Switch Mousewheel Request (hvanrensburg)
14367: [ACARS - CPDLC] Unable to insert COMM system text entries from FO side CDU (hvanrensburg)
13853: [External Model - Liveries] Livery - QATAR A7-BEH 2023 (psterling)
13867: [External Model - Liveries] Livery: British Airways (G-STBC) (psterling)
13931: [External Model - Liveries] UAL N2251U Has 2151 Tail Nr (psterling)
13962: [External Model - Liveries] Livery: American (psterling)
14258: [External Model - Liveries] United (Evo Blue) Tail Number Font Inaccuracy (psterling)
13761: [External Model - Liveries] Thrust reverser actuator access mispelled on liveries (psterling)
13772: [External Model - Liveries] UAL N2251U Landing Lights Not Illuminated (psterling)
The 777-300ER is available on for $77.73.
Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!
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