A2A Simulations Updates Accu-Sim Comanche for MSFS
A2A Simulations has recently updated their Accu-Sim Comanche to version 1.2.0, improving animations, ground physics tweaks, auto-rudder support, and more.

It’s the second update since its release in mid-July, bringing 40 changes. The complete changelog follows down below:
- Improved wing flex animation to work properly at all framerates and fixed bug that caused extreme wing flex movements at around 20 fps
- Improved cockpit glass transparency for better clarity, particularly with high-end VR headsets
- Added support for ambient sounds with door and windows opened and during walkaround
- Added support for mono Bluetooth headsets with low sampling rate
- Added function to EDM 830 to reset fuel used by holding both buttons on USD screen (accessed via right click and hold on either button)
- Fixed shock cooling warning not showing when it should on EDM 830
- Added additional protection against false prop strikes caused by terrain errors
- Reduced lift provided by flap gap seals
- Additional tuning of ground physics
- Added tablet brightness slider to tablet settings
- Improved handling of magneto starter shortcuts
- Added starter button response to magneto events for improved hardware panel compatibility
- Added function to remove registration placard in cockpit via mouse click
- Removed clicking sound from GPS and COMM radio volume knobs
- Fixed ADF on/off sound
- Reduced size of click spots to hide and show yokes
- Improved smoothness of cabin door animation
- Fixed generator bug where it would not come back online if all electrics were off, idle was reduced to shut it off then increased to turn it back on again
- Added ability to fix landing lights in the walkaround
- Fixed fuel quantity gauges tooltips
- Fixed small issues in external model, left windshield frame, elevator trim rivets and nose wheel steering cylinder animation
- Increased amount of yoke deflection required to disconnect autopilot
- Fixed yoke movement turning off autopilot master switch rather than disconnecting autopilot
- Added overhaul confirmation to maintenance page of tablet
- Fixed cockpit persistence and loading with cold and dark and phases
- Fixed engine temperature not being properly saved with cold start
- Fixed event flood associated with com channel spacing
- Changed centre of gravity units to inches rather than percent on tablet fuel and payload page
- Fixed issue where rudder could get damaged too easily when not in use
- Added support for MSFS auto-rudder function
- Improved compatibility with MSFS parking brake event so it no longer interferes with toe brakes operation
- Updated gauge glass rendering
- Fixed navigation lights key shortcuts
- Added prop lever choice to persistent per-livery state
- Tuned yoke animation
- Fixed door opening in multiplayer
- Fixed cabin door latch animation
- Tuned balance of beacon motor sound effect
- Fixed screws position on the right main fuel tank
- Amended references to recommended maximum landing gear operating speed on page 35 of the pilot's manual

They finish the update announcement with a note saying they are still investigating an issue where the tablet is unclickable on SU13 Beta for VR users.
The add-on is available on their store for $49.99, requiring at least 1.8 GB of free hard disk space.
Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!
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