AviaStorm: Breathing Life into the Tornado in DCS World

July 16, 2023
nobody, apparently.

The Tornado IDS in DCS

The team at AviaStorm has chosen to simulate the IDS (Interdiction/Strike) version of the Tornado as seen in service with the German Air Force (GAF). This variant was in service up until the early 2000s and comes armed with a substantial range of unguided weapons including the MK-80 series and European weapons such as the Matra 250ED.

In addition, AviaStorm is also introducing several new weapons to DCS, including the Komoran anti-ship missile and MW1 cluster munition dispenser. In a nod to the varied roles the Tornado played in real-life, the team is incorporating a reconnaissance pod into the model. This inclusion promises to add another layer to DCS mission planning, especially for virtual squadrons.

Despite their focus on the IDS variant, AviaStorm is also committed to including liveries of every user nation at the module's initial release, namely GAF, RAF, IAF, and RSAF. However, they've hinted that RAF exclusive weapons are not planned for the initial release.

Future Variants and Features

As for future versions of the Tornado, AviaStorm has kept plans close to their chest, only hinting that anything is possible. One thing is certain: an AI backseater akin to Jester is in the pipeline. As the role of the backseater is more challenging than that of the pilot, the team is deliberating the most efficient way to implement this feature.

On the topic of radar technology, AviaStorm is also exploring available options. They will either adopt suitable existing technologies or, if necessary, build a new radar system from scratch.

Reference Aircrafts

In their pursuit of accuracy, AviaStorm is using multiple reference aircraft for their simulation. The primary aircraft being scanned is the 44+56 Tornado, now adorned in a commemorative scheme "Bunte Kuh" (Colorful Cow) to honor the Tornado's service with JaboG-34. This plane is currently on display at the Traditionsgemeinschaft JaboG 34 Allgäu.

In addition, the team is also using the IDS/RECCE Tornado 44+97, which is on display at the Flugwerft Schleißheim near Munich, Germany. This aircraft went into service in 1985 and retired after reaching the 4000 flight hour limit in 2008, with its last two years spent as part of the ISAF troops supporting operations in Afghanistan.

Weapon Chart

The Following chart displays the weapon chart which depicts what AviaStorm are planning to bring to this magnificent jet. This is all subject to change however this is already an extensive list and is sure to keep users satisfied with plenty of options.

Release Timeline

AviaStorm refrains from setting a specific timeline for the release of the Tornado IDS. Their commitment is to quality over speed, striving to create the highest level of Tornado simulation possible. While this approach may mean a longer wait for fans, the team is confident that the eventual release will provide an unmatched virtual flight experience, worth every second of the wait.

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