Boris Audio Works Releases Cessna 172 Sound Set for MSFS
Boris Audio Works has recently released their Cessna 172 Sound Set for Microsoft Flight Simulator, built on hours of real-life interior and exterior recordings made with industry-grade equipment. It is their second payware sound set for MSFS, released nearly two months after the first one.
Compatible with both the G1000 and steam gauge variants (and the WBSim 172 modification), featuring different specific sounds for both, such as battery and gyro noise on the steam gauges, which is silent on the G1000, as per real life. The sound set also includes dynamic engine sounds, wind and aerodynamic drag, dynamic touchdown and ground roll, multi-stage stall horn, and more. The complete feature list follows down below:
-Dynamic engine sounds
-Wind and aerodynamic drag
-Buttons, switches, knobs, and levers
-Fuel pump
-Batteries, gyros, and avionics fans*
-Dynamic touchdowns and ground rolls*
-Stall horn with several stages changing intensity depending on AOA
-And more!

It’s available on the Threshold Store for $15.00 and SimMarket for roughly $16.24, requiring at least 37 MB of free disk space to install.
Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!
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