BlueBird 757 January update

BlueBird Simulations have released another comprehensive video about the development progress of their 757 which is in development for Microsoft Flight Sim. The video features many members of the development team giving a run down on what they have been working on along with the project manager Shervin giving a detailed update on progress, what has been done and what is to come. 

An update on 2024 and what is to come

The update video begins by explaining that last year lead programmer Eric retired from flight sim dev work, shortly after Shervin brought 3 new programmers on board who have spent the last 5 months rebuilding the 757 to make it a full study-level aircraft, departing from the original plan of making it a mid-level aircraft. Shervin has informed us that they are optimistic for 2024 and have gone into some detail about what this means, although no promises can be made for a 2024 release the team is positive about the progress being made and overall excited for what the coming year holds. 

The all-important sounds

The second big announcement of this in-depth update is the welcome news that Boris from Boris Audioworks has joined BlueBird to develop the sounds for the 757! As those of you who have used Boris’ sound packs for MSFS over the years will know, this is a very welcome announcement! The sound of the 757 is gorgeous and thanks to Boris we will be able to enjoy those beautiful 757 and RB211/ Pratt and whitney sounds in stunning detail. 

Jacks update

The video continues with a brief segment featuring one of the lead programmers, Jack. He gives us a rundown of the work that has been going on behind the scenes with the FMC, IRS and Weather radar system. 

Dave’s Update

In the next part of this nearly 30-minute update video, we hear from another programmer, Dave. Dave gives a run down of what he has been working on over the last few months. Dave gives us a detailed run-through of the IRS system and the CDU. He also gives us some teasers of the beautiful 3D works he has been masterfully working on. 

Hooman’s update

Hooman joined the BlueBird team a few months ago as an Aircraft system software developer. In his detailed portion of the video, he gives us a rundown of the work behind the scenes in developing the various systems of the 757 and their logic. Using system schematics Hooman has painstakingly gone through the process of making the systems as realistic as possible and in this section he shows us briefly how he does it! We get a rundown of the electrical system and how he converts schematics into code using what can only be assumed is some sort of wizardry. 

Romain's update: 

Real-world airline pilot Romain has been hard at work over the last few months helping to develop and tune the Pratt and Whitney engines along with finalising the final versions of the RB211s. The current engine work is set on refining fuel flow and drag parameters. Romain also is actively working on the flight model, as he has been over the last 2 years. 


Toward the end of this video update, we are shown an abbreviated scope of work for the upcoming 757. It is also confirmed in this section that BlueBird is partnering with Navigraph to bring a realistic and highly functional EFB to the aircraft. We are also shown a brief preview of the BlueBird 767 virtual cockpit! The 767 is being developed separately from the 757 but one thing is certain, it will share its level of detail! 

You can watch the full video update here: 

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