Released: All iBlueYonder airports migrated to FTX Central

March 28, 2018
nobody, apparently.

Bill Womack's return to ORBX marks a unfortunate end to the current iBlueYonder branded projects, but a new beginning for ORBX's entry into X-Plane!

Bill rejoining the ORBX development team sees the existing X-Plane and MSFS products transitioned onto ORBX's FTX Central platform. This means that KACK Nantucket Memorial Airport, and the 100 Dollar Burger Airports: "2B2 Plum Island Airport and 6B6 Minute Man Air Field" is now available on FTX Central. Exizting customers who bought iBlueYonder products before the return can migrate their purchases into their OrbxDirect account by going to the following link: 

If you're migrating, make sure that you're logged into OrbxDirect first.

ORBX has also celebrated Bill's return by running a promotion that lasts till the 4th of April, you can get any of Bill's products at half price (50% off) until that date.

Purchase the 100 Dollar Burger Airports here: LINK

Purchase Nantucket Memorial Airport here: LINK

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