Blue Sky Star Releases ToLiss A321 IAE Pack, Updates More Products for Vulkan

July 15, 2020
nobody, apparently.

Blue Sky Star Simulations have released a much anticipated sound pack for the ToLiss A321 - covering the IAE engine type. This came a few days after the developer had announced it would make all sound packs compatible with Vulkan, updates for which have also happened today.

This particular pack has been one requested by the community since the release of ToLiss’ A321 back in February 2020. Despite the aircraft coming with an IAE sound pack by default, this is still one of the developer’s most requested packs.

The developer has also mentioned that a CFM pack will be shortly following in the same Facebook post.

All of the sounds are recorded from the real aircraft with professional audio equipment. It has enough sounds to cater for every stage of the flight, whether it be sitting at the gate or 30,000ft in the air.

A full feature list along with a demonstration video is available on their website.

In a separate post published earlier, Blue Sky Star revealed that updates for the 777, A319 and CRJ-200 are now online, making them compatible with Vulkan and joining the other packs updated last week. Currently, the updates are only available on the developer’s website - the Store is expected to follow soon.

The A321 IAE sound pack can be purchased for X-Plane 11 for $19.99 USD on the BlueSkyStar website. It’s expected to hit the Store in the coming days.

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