Boundless Simulations Announces Teesside International Airport for X-Plane 11
Boundless Simulations has informed Threshold of their announcement of Teesside international airport (EGNV) for X-Plane 11. The airport is set to be released in “early may” and will include full HD custom PBR buildings textures, custom road traffic, the airport train station and many more features.
This is what Boundless is looking to incorporate into the scenery:
- 25cm resolution ortho covering airport and business park area
- Full HD custom PBR buildings
- HD PBR Photorealistic building textures (where available)
- 4k PBR custom ground textures
- Custom animated airport vehicles
- Custom road traffic
- HD trees
- 3D grass / vegetation
- HD static aircraft
- Airport hotels included
- Airport train station included
Furthermore, Boundless also announced in their weekly report that beginning next week, “development will be starting on at least 2 new airports.”
They confirmed that one of them is in Great Britain and the other is most likely an Irish scenery.
Along with this report came an update on Cotswold Airport. They stated that “the ground work is almost fully complete, and we are waiting mainly on the buildings to be completed.”
You can keep up to date with the progress of this project and all the other projects through the Boundless Simulations Discord server.
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