Details of projectFLY v4's Pricing Tiers Revealed

June 24, 2020
nobody, apparently.

Further information about projectFLY v4 has been unveiled, in line with the plan of action that was detailed a couple of days ago.

The announcement on Monday finally offered details on the date and details of the release of v4, with the transitional period from v3 to v4 to begin tomorrow morning at 0900 GMT.

In today's "24h Update", details of how existing and new subscriptions were detailed by the group's PR head, who also wrote Monday's announcement.

Like v3, v4 will have three pricing tiers with a free option, each with various benefits to attract users into supporting the running costs associated with the application.

"We've introduced some new pricing tiers for projectFLY's Early Access app release," the developer wrote on the projectFLY blog.

"These come in the form of:

  • Basic (Free) - No payment required
  • Supporter - £1.99 per month
  • Pro - £4.99 per month

"As we said before, projectFLY will always be entirely free at its core. We haven't changed that in v4, and we won't change that in the future."

He went on to list the perks of each tier, which was also summarised in a single graphic displayed below.

"Now, you might be asking yourself, 'What's this Flight Path Storage stuff? '. Well, great question.

"For each and every flight you fly on projectFLY, we keep a position report (also known as a PIREP). We take these reports from the moment you start pushing back from your gate at your departure airfield, to the moment you stop at the gate at your arrival airfield. These reports are taken every few seconds of the flight and this data is then sent and stored on projectFLY.

"In v4, we're changing the way you can access this data - previously this data was available for every flight you have ever taken with us (even that 20 minute repositioning flight you took 2 years ago, yes, we're looking at you). Now, depending on your tier, there will be limits on viewing the actual flight path you took. We've looked into how often people view this data, and it's not often at all and usually happens on their most recent flights, hence, we're moving a lot of it our into archived storage.

"You'll still be able to access it in the map if you upgrade your tier, or via a data export if you wish to store it locally. This will not affect the main details of your flight - all the details for your flights will still be there, the time it took you, the plan you had filed, and that not so perfect landing you had (yes, we know) - only each individual position report will be archived, depending on your tier."

"So, to reiterate, no data is being deleted, regardless of your tier. It is simply being put into archived storage."

He clarified the transfer of subscription tiers to the v4 format: Blue will become Basic (Free), Silver will be Supporter, and Gold will transfer to Pro.

"If you run in to any problems with your membership, please get in contact with us using whichever method you feel most comfortable with and we'll sort everything out for you.

"Patrons & Donors will be able to link their accounts (Patreon & PayPal respectively - if you didn't use PayPal, this will be manually credited ASAP) with projectFLY and gain perks from their support. More information about this will be released in due course."

It was confirmed the planned time the transition period will begin - 0900 GMT tomorrow - will still go ahead.

"One slight thing has changed - Your flight path data may not be available for previous flights immediately upon release as, to get you access to v4 as soon as possible with minimal downtime once the main migration is complete, we will be running a few more database scripts in the background whilst v4 is live. We are aiming to have all of these flight paths back in your logbook over the weekend (27th + 28th June). Your stats will not be affected, all of your hours, previous flights etc.. will still be there."

Replies to supports tickets are to be absent during the upgrade period, due to the fact the infrastructure upgrade will take down their support system temporarily.

Furthermore, the existing Discord server will be deleted in favour of a new server dedicated to v4. Users can simply use a reconnect function in the new app to get into the new server.

The developer continued: "We'll be turning on our standalone VATSIM & IVAO tracker during the downtime. If you fly during the downtime on VATSIM or IVAO, and you have put your CID/PID into Settings >> Connections (make sure you click Save!), we'll track your flight for you to import post v4."

The post can be read in full on their website. When v4 is up and running in early access, Threshold will be sure to let you know.

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