EcuaVirtual3D Releases Seymour Airport for MSFS
EcuaVirtual3D has recently released their rendition of Seymour Galapagos Ecological Airport (SEGS) for Microsoft Flight Simulator, serving the island of Baltra, one of the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador. It’s the third busiest airport in the country, with a yearly average of 500,000 passengers.
The airport was originally built by the United States during World War II as a military base for surveillance of the Pacific Ocean. After the war, the airport was used mainly for commercial traffic (and as a stopover for flights between South America and North America). It was eventually handed over to the Ecuadorian government in the 1960s.

In the 2000s, it was renovated to meet the requirements of the increasing number of tourists visiting the Galapagos Islands, designed with an eco-friendly concept, keeping in mind the fragile ecosystem of the Islands. The new terminal, built with recycled steel tubes from oil drilling operations in the Amazon, uses clean, renewable technologies such as solar energy, wind farms, and seawater desalination. It became the world’s first “green” airport in 2012.

The airport was named after British naval officer and scientist Sir Seymour de Ricci, who visited the Galapagos Islands in the early 1900s and contributed significantly to the scientific knowledge of the region.

Due to its location in a sensitive ecosystem, the airport has implemented strict regulations to minimize the impact of air traffic on the environment. For example, the airport uses solar panels to generate electricity and a rainwater harvesting system to conserve water. The airport also has a waste management system to minimize the impact of garbage on the environment.

It’s served by Avianca Ecuador, Equair, and LATAM Ecuador, with direct flights to Guayaquil and Quito.

The scenery features an accurate rendition of the airport, with a faithful replica of the terminal, custom taxiway signage, custom static objects, HDR lighting, custom textures with ambient occlusion, custom approach lighting systems, and a custom mesh around the airport.

It’s available on SimMarket for roughly $14.38, requiring at least 112.20 MB of free hard disk space to install.
Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!
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