FlightFactor Previews 787 Pro Cockpit Inside of X-Plane 11
Earlier today, X-Plane developer FlightFactor has published a series of previews on its Twitter account depicting the cockpit of its upcoming Boeing 787 project, this being the first time the aircraft has been shown inside of the simulator.
It can be seen from the previews that the modeling and texturing of the aircraft’s cockpit is almost complete. However, none of the displays have been turned on, indicating that the 787’s systems are still very much a work in progress.

Currently, it is unclear when the developer will release more information, nor is it clear which features the completed 787 will ship with. Furthermore, FightFactor is yet to reveal the product’s release date and pricing.
Threshold will keep you informed on this topic. For now, check out our previous article on the FlightFactor 787, displaying renders of the cockpit with ambient occlusion.
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