FLY X Simulations Announces Fuerteventura Airport

July 12, 2020
nobody, apparently.

Over on their website, in a blog post made today, FLY X Simulations has announced the latest scenery to be joining their scenery lineup.

The airport comes after their recent releases of payware airports from the developer, including Rovaniemi Reeboted and Doncaster Sheffield, you can find our review of the scenery here.

In the blog post, the developer outlines the price tag for the scenery and an initial feature list (found below).

In the announcement post, FLY X wrote about their new workflows implemented for the scenery, including the introduction of the use of Substance Painter, a popular texturing tool used by many developers throughout the community.

FLY X wrote:

“The scenery includes features such as; an accurate and up to date rendition of the apron including the newly relayed taxiways, accurate and up to date 3D objects, PBR Ground textures and some of the surrounding area near to the airport.  Since our previous projects we have begun utilising new software, For example ‘Substance Painter’ and ‘Blender’, We have been changing and improving our workflows and have been better utilising PBR workflows.”


In regards to the inevitable question regarding a release date for the product the developer wrote the following:

“We still have some work to do on this scenery (things to add and change) however, we are nearing completion, so hopefully, it should out soon.”

It was also written that the price point was to be set at $19.99, available for purchase on the store upon release.


Full Feature List:

  • Accurate, custom modelled buildings.
  • Accurate, custom ground textures.
  • An up to date apron and taxiway layout.
  • Orthophotos for the airport area
  • Custom buildings for some of the surrounding area
  • Custom modelled, textured, and animated auto gate Jetways.
  • PBR texturing throughout the entire scenery.
  • Custom 3D grass, bushes, and trees.

Thanks to FLY X Simulations Developer, Joe J, for tipping us off to the news in our Discord server, join the discussion with other X-Plane Users and Developers in the Threshold Discord server.

FLY X Simulations can be followed on Twitter.

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