Registrations Open for FlightSimExpo 2019

December 17, 2018
Garrett Yalch
nobody, apparently.

Registration for FSExpo 2019 is now opened! This year, the expo will be held in the Renaissance Orlando Hotel at SeaWorld.

Tickets are available on the FSExpo website. For now, the tickets priced at $50 USD. Once 200 tickets have been sold that price will jump up to $70 USD.

New to this year’s expo is Captain’s Corner. Captain’s Corner consists of a series of seminars from Orbx, Lockheed Martin, X-Plane, Jetline Systems, and Navigraph. These seminars will be education oriented, covering topics such as addon design, PC construction, and hardware tweaking. Access to Captain’s Corner can be obtained through a $10 addon.

Threshold is a media partner of FSExpo, so you can expect full coverage from the Renaissance Hotel in June 2019.

See you there!

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