Stairport Scenery Announces Stuttgart in Collaboration with FligthtSim Studio

October 14, 2021

Stairport Sceneries has followed the release of a major update to their SAM, with the announcement of their latest scenery for X-Plane, Stuttgart.

Stairport is working in collaboration with FlightSim Studio, to covert their Stuttgart to X-Plane, originally released for MSFS. FlightSim Studio’s Stuttgart was actually originally developed for Microsoft Flight Simulator and was released for free, as part of World Update 6.

Stairport is a veteran developer working on the conversion of sceneries to X-Plane, previously partnering with developers such as PAD-Labs on bringing across their Split.

Stuttgart isn’t in fact the first scenery the pair have collaborated on either, Kassel-Calden Airport has already been released in the new cooperation, dropping around a month ago, at the start of September.

Stairport has an extremely wide portfolio of projects within X-Plane, from large international hubs such as Istanbul to the uber-popular Scenery Animation Manager (SAM) plugin.

So far, no full feature list has been disclosed by either development party, although it was mentioned that the airport will feature custom mesh as well as custom animation. It is safe to assume said custom animations will be driven by Stairport’s very own SAM plugin, although the extent of the utilisation is yet to be shared.

Threshold will be sure to keep an eye out for developments with Stairport and FSS’ Stuttgart Project.

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