Resentium Software Global Earth SP1 Released
Initially released in April this year, Resentium Software's debut product, 'Global Earth" has seen it's first full service pack release.
'Service Pack 1' is not actually the first update to the global scenery and autogen replacement tool, being preceded by version 1.10 which contained "45% of the new buildings and 90% of the new vegetation" of the planned upgrades.
Almost a month ago, on June 27, the developer spoke of a rolling update schedule with incremental upgrades every two to three weeks. Resentium has not confirmed whether SP1 is one of such updates and if we can expect more in the near future.
In a post on our very own Threshold Discord server, the developer gives a short overview of changes in the new version.
"Hello community! We finally completed the update related to buildings. In addition, we fixed bugs related to ground textures and vegetation. House area has been improved. Now it look great. No many words, watch screenshots below."
To download, see the Google Drive link here.
For more information, see the original post on the Threshold Discord server here.
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