Gaya Simulations Shares Finals Previews of Vienna for X-Plane

April 2, 2020
nobody, apparently.

Just under a week after Orbx introduced Gaya Simulation’s Vienna for P3D on their forums, they have now introduced the X-Plane version of the scenery in a post on their forums.

Included in the post was a full feature list as well as a multitude of screenshots of the scenery.

Previously, Gaya Simulations was a developer who worked with Orbx on projects like Orbx Edinburgh.

Now, they are working under their own name, with their first release under their own name being Kos. Their Kos scenery was available to obtain for free by entering at around Christmas time to receive a key to get the scenery for free, now it is available to purchase at Orbx for $40 AUD.

Full feature list:

  • Authentic and complete rendition of Vienna Schwechat Airport in its current state including the extension of Bravo cargo parking
  • Highly detailed 3D modelling of all buildings, with interior modelling in the main terminal
  • Superb quality texturing and PBR usage for most buildings and assets across the airport
  • Realistic and custom made ground service vehicles including pushback trucks, service and Vienna Airport specific taxis and buses.
  • Completely custom groundwork with high-quality and accurate signage and markings.
  • 3D people at various parking stands (can be controlled via the control panel)
  • Full integration with SAMv2 jetways including VGDS and Marshallers!
  • Custom made and optional static aircraft throughout bringing the airport to life
  • Superb modelling outside of the airport including realistic hotels, Petrochemie Danubia and even animated trains
  • Precise parking positions for airlines in their correct real-world gate assignment based on current data
  • Perfectly blends with Ortho4XP tiles for seamless experience.
  • Developed with close assistance from real world pilots, airport workers and staff for incredible authenticity
  • Created by Gaya Simulations (Kos Airport)

Keep up to date with all Gaya Simulations updates on their forums.

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