Indiafoxtecho Announces New Projects and Publishes Development Update

May 4, 2022
nobody, apparently.

Last week, aircraft developer Indiafoxtecho published a lengthy post on its Facebook page to announce new projects and bring development updates on existing ones.

First off, the developers confirmed that their next project will be the Tornado for Microsoft Flight Simulators. Both the IDS and IDS-MLU will be developed, with the legacy IDS serving as the baseline model. Additionally, the developers hinted that “the GR1, ECR and possibly the ADV variant” will also be developed, though the feasibility of an ADV variant will be dependent on the resources available to the team.

A few previews depicting the plane’s  exterior modeling were also published with the post, though the developers warned that they were taken at preliminary stages of development and will be drastically improved later on.

In addition to announcing the Tornado, the Indiafoxtecho also touched on the progress of their other products. According to the developers, the Aermacchi M346, which will use native MSFS FCS flight model, now has a completed HTML5/JS HUD , but is experiencing slight delays in texturing and system programming. The aircraft should be ready for beta testing in the coming weeks. As for the Eurofighter Typhoon, the developers has decided to model the plane from scratch since they are not satisfied with the commercial meshes and P3D model they originally planned to use as a starting point, a process that will take considerably more time to complete.

Finally, the developers talked about bringing the team’s projects to DCS. They revealed that DCS development entails much more work than that for other simulators, requiring extensive planning and research beforehand. Therefore, their DCS team is currently only focused on “bringing the MB.339” to the market. Threshold will keep you updated on this front.

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