Just Flight Publishes New Fokker F28 Development Update

Just Flight has recently published another Fokker F28 development update concerning its current state. In relation to last month’s update, they have implemented fully animated passenger and cargo doors, wheel chocks, and cones around the airplane. They also state the visual work is pretty much complete at this point.

They have also begun working on the F28 systems, which are unique to the aircraft, increasing the complexity and requiring close collaboration with their testing team of ex-F28 specialists (pilots, engineers, training crew) to ensure maximum fidelity. “You certainly won’t be mistaking this aircraft for your typical airliner!” says the developer.

The aircraft is now in a flyable state, with all animations, cockpit instrumentation, annunciators, and basic systems. It is now undergoing testing by their team.

Credits to DragonRuins for the news scoop. Stay tuned to Threshold for further updates on the F28 development and more!

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