PMDG Teases Upcoming EFB for 737 Lineup

Mathijs Kok from PMDG has made a forum thread showing a quick sneak peek of their upcoming Electronic Flight Bag for their 737 lineup on Microsoft Flight Simulator, along with a date to look forward to. 

While the teaser itself does not say much (aside from the preview), Mathijs has shared that Robert Randazzo will publish a feature list, more images, and a release date sometime this weekend.

It will be a free micro-update for and Marketplace users, but the latter will take longer because of Microsoft’s intake process. They estimate around 2-3 weeks from the release on their official website, and it’s just guesswork based on the average time it takes, according to their empirical data.

The 737 lineup is available on or via Marketplace, with prices ranging from $34.99 to $69.99. 

Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!

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