Microsoft Flight Simulator Hotfix Released

August 7, 2021
nobody, apparently.

Over a week after the large Sim Update 5, many developers and users are having many issues with their aircraft and the simulator plaguing the MSFS experience.

Asobo has responded by pushing out two hefty hotfixes for the simulator, trying to address the problematic issues.

“Dubai, UAE” – Screenshot by canuck695

A list of the fixes were provided by the team in their write-up:

  • Fixed ground level of detail (low resolution) when flying at airliner altitudes
  • Fixed “washed out / oil painted” clouds and the overall luminosity under cloud coverage
  • Fixed missing volumetric lights
  • Fixed abnormal temperature spikes over airports when the Metar data was not updating often enough
  • Aligned pressure altitude simvar and pitot static altitude calculations to prevent wrong altitude information for external Live ATC services
  • GPU stats are now displayed in the debug window when the dev mode is activated on PC
  • Disabled aggressive compilation optimization for WASM (signed-zeroes, NoInf and NoNaN but keep fast-math)
“Diavik Diamond Mine” – Screenshot by YusufWardana

Furthermore, the development team gave a quick advisory to PC users:

Some packages in your community folder may not have been updated and, as a result, may have an unexpected impact on the title’s performance and behavior.
Please move your community package(s) to another folder before relaunching the title if you suffer from stability issues or long loading times.

Alongside mentioning the current single known issue in the simulator; In-sim ATC service radar can still report incorrect altitude (fix expected in world Update 6)

The original post by the development team can be viewed on the Microsoft Flight Simulator forums.

A big thanks to Tomcat_22 in the Threshold Discord Server for the scoop!

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