Microsoft Provides Update on FS24 Collector's Edition Delay
In an announcement made on their website Wednesday, Microsoft addressed the delay in shipping the Limited Collector’s Edition of the upcoming Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, as well as outlining their plan to make sure customers are able to access FS24 on release, in just four days.
For context, Aerosoft, the vendor for the Limited Collector’s Edition, sent out an email to customers on Nov. 5, announcing that people who have pre-ordered the Limited Collector’s Edition outside of the US before Nov. 6 can expect delays in shipping and delivery. However, U.S. customers will not be affected. You can read more about that here.
Microsoft begins by thanking customers who pre-ordered the Limited Collector’s Edition, and apologising, saying that they are “heartbroken that our shipping solution for regions outside of the United States have suffered an unexpected delay”.They also confirm that Limited Collector’s Edition pre-order customers outside of the U.S. can expect deliveries to start in the first week of December. To address these delays, Microsoft has announced a plan to ensure affected customers are able to play on release day, which is as follows:

Additionally, when customers receive their Limited Collector’s Edition package, they will have to redeem the code on the physical token provided for the Aviator’s Edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 to keep access to the sim. According to Microsoft, “As long as you sign in with the same account when redeeming the token, then all your progress in the simulator will remain”. They also posted a FAQ addressing inquiries from the community.
As of the time of publication, pre-orders for the Limited Collector’s Edition are still available on the Aerosoft Store for $259.99 USD.
If you’re wondering when FS24 will be available for you, check out our article covering release times for FS24.
Us on the Threshold team are excited for the imminent release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, and we will keep you updated on all of the newest developments regarding the new sim, so stay tuned to Threshold!
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