Threshold Exclusive: New Images of projectFLY v4
The projectFLY team have shared new images of the v4 client with Threshold, following on from the initialisation of the transition period earlier today.
Despite a delay in beginning the transition to v4 from v3 of about an hour, the developer informed us there have been no issues in the transition period thus far, and are on track to deliver the update within the 24-hour window.
The new images show two fleet pages and a statistics page, adding on to images shared previously.
"This is our new fleet page," a team member told us with regards to the first screenshot. "We've overhauled the look of the fleet page to look more sleek and modern. You can search for a specific aircraft, Sort by Airline, Aircraft Type or by whether they're At Base or Away from Base."
Regarding the second image of the fleet pages, Brazza wrote: "This is our new fleet page, with some added flair. We've introduced a map showing where in the world your fleet is located which changes depending on the filters you set. Clicking on one of the dots on the map will automatically filter the app on the sidebar for you to choose."
The third image displays the statistics page in v4, which varies depending on the pricing tier the user is subscribed to: "This is our new statistics page (varying depending on whether you're a Supporter or Pro tier subscription). You can filter your statistics (along with the accompanying map) by Airline or Aircraft which shows you a wide variety of stats such as Fuel Burnt, CO2 Produced, No of Diversions and loads more."
The release of v4 of the flight tracking and logging app was announced on Monday after extensive testing by the Focus Group was conducted.
Yesterday saw information about the pricing tiers unveiled, with the upper two tiers promoting certain benefits over each other and the free tier.
projectFLY v3 is not expected to return online and providing the transition goes smoothly, v4 is expected to debut tomorrow.
To be the first to know about the status of projectFLY v4, follow the team on Facebook or Twitter.
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