PMDG Updates 737 Lineup for MSFS SU12
PMDG has recently issued a new update to their 737 Lineup for Microsoft Flight Simulator, adding SU12 compatibility, bug fixes, navdata format changes, and structural work to support the upcoming Universal Flight Tablet better.
Among the bug fixes, it’s important to mention that PMDG has addressed the parking brake bug introduced with SU12 Beta. It’s a temporary fix that will give mostly regular operation but with some oddities if the user has high-end pedals, as the parking brake could be set or released without entirely depressing both pedals. They mention it will be reverted to the usual logic once Asobo fixes the problem.
In the announcement post, PMDG briefly mentioned the status of the remainder of the 737 lineup in regards to their Marketplace availability, saying it’s still being prepared and the release date will vary according to Microsoft’s approval process, which has been sped up recently but they hesitate on setting a specific timeline. The same applies to the upcoming Xbox compatibility, with no timeframe but work being done in the meantime.
The Universal Flight Tablet is progressing nicely, with a functioning Operational Performance Tool and charts. Both features are soon to hit testing for validation. They also mention further work on improving the UI/UX before the testing begins, which is why they haven’t shown any screenshots yet.
They finish with the NAVDATA progress, which is still underway and soon to hit testing, allowing for advanced FMS lateral path management capabilities once it’s done.
The complete changelog follows down below:
General chages that have been made this update cycle are listed here:
0012039: [FMS - Functionality Problems (General)] Pressing CRZ cancels ENG OUT Cruise Page (emvaos)
0012307: [Main Panel - PFD] 600/700 Flap speed limits w/ short field package (emvaos)
0012319: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] HDG/TRK until distance waypoint calculation enhanced (emvaos)
0012080: [General - Engines] Initial EGT on panel state load on ground with engines off (emvaos)
0012081: [FMS - Performance Pages] Fuel report error between FMS and actual readjusted (emvaos)
0012095: [FMS - Performance Pages] Automatic CLB->CRZ N1 limit switch upon AFS vertical mode change as appropriate (emvaos)
0011856: [FMS - Performance Pages] Reservers should be able to accept 0 as a value (emvaos)
0011610: [Main Panel - EICAS Display Issues] Fuel Display shoud show only one 0 when tank is empty. (emvaos)
0012130: [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Auto DES FORECAST request with CRZ wind request (emvaos)
0012136: [FMS - Performance Pages] Pack Switch / APU Bleed N1 Value calculated wrong (emvaos)
0011893: [General - Engines] Target N1 increase/split with Packs off/Bleed off condition (emvaos)
0011646: [FMS - Performance Pages] RTE WIND data can be entered without PERF INIT EXEC'd (still needs CRZ ALT) (emvaos)
0011137: [Main Panel - PFD] MCP altitude set to zero should only show four zeros rather than five (emvaos)
0011398: [FMS - Setup/Options Pages] Cold and Dark EGT loads at 350 degrees (emvaos)
0011922: [Systems - Air Conditioning/Heating] Enhancement of BLEED/PACK/ISOL VLV switch logic for TO/GA N1 limit boost (emvaos)
0010649: [Main Panel - PFD] G/S forced to arm if ILS APP defined in FMC and correct frequency set even if temporarily FS reports no GS (due to distance) (emvaos)
0010971: [FMS/AFDS - VNAV] Automatic CON->CRZ N1 limit switch upon AFS vertical mode change as appropriate (emvaos)
0011231: [FMS - Performance Pages] PLAN FUEL Indication on PROG PAGE when Plan Fuel is entered (emvaos)
0012015: [FMS - Functionality Problems (General)] Several Issues After Go Around (emvaos)
The 737 lineup is available on the PMDG Shop for $34.99 (737-600), $49.99 (737-900), and $69.99 (737-700 and 737-800, individually).
Pictures are courtesy of Pineapple_Wizard. Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!
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