QualityWings Announces Ultimate 787 Collection for MSFS
Aircraft developer QualityWings Simulations has announced the development of the 'Ultimate 787 Collection' for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Writing to Facebook, QualityWings stated that the SDK had recently matured enough to allow their aircraft to begin taking shape within the simulator and shared some previews of the aircraft in MSFS.
“Here we are well into the last quarter of a year that felt like 3 full years already,” said QualityWings, referencing the COVID-19 pandemic of this year.
“With all the challenges that life has presented us in all kinds of different ways this year, we do hope that all of you are doing well and staying safe.
“The year 2020 is a totally different one when looking at it from a Flight Simulation perspective.
“Asobo and Microsoft have delivered a truly remarkable piece of software and we’re thrilled to see the Flight Simulator franchise return.
“While we have been actively testing the pre-release versions of the new sim since early 2020, it has really only been with the last few iterations of the SDK that things have started to take shape.
“As with everything new it took us a while to become familiar with the sim, the tools, the processes, the limitations and the new possibilities.
“We wanted to take that time before making an announcement of any kind because of the many unknowns we’ve been confronted with.
“Anyways, a couple of months have passed and we’re happy to show an initial glimpse of our work-in-progress of the Ultimate 787 for MSFS.
“Due to the amount of things that need to be completely reworked as well as several dependencies on the SDK, we currently estimate a release in Q2 2021.
“Although we are in development for MSFS, we are still working on improvements and fixes for the current P3D/FSX versions of the 787.”

The SDK for Microsoft Flight Simulator was considered unfinished upon the release of the simulator and has been slowly maturing since.
PMDG believed they were looking to release their 737NG3 as early as this year, but the latest word from chief Robert Randazzo is that it should not be expected for at least another year, “based upon the condition and trajectory of MSFS”.
Nonetheless, QualityWings and the reaction from the community have demonstrated the passion developers and users have for the simulator; with weekly updates to the SDK, it can be expected to become a mainstream simulator for those looking to fly airliners.
As and when QualityWings releases further information, Threshold will keep you in the know.
For now, you can follow the developer on Facebook.
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