Released: Toliss319

February 28, 2018
nobody, apparently.

It's finally here! The Toliss319 is now available for everyone for purchasing. As promised, the team has delivered on a end of February release; the 28th. We've covered the imminent release of the aircraft a few hours ago, on how the release version was sent out to beta testers for final checks.

Here is the full feature list:

The ToLiss 319 is a 120-140 seat single-aisle mid-range modern state-of-the-art FBW aircraft with a high focus on detailed system modelling.

Detailled FMGS:

  • Support of SID/STAR, including all leg types (Arc, course or heading to intercept, Radius to Fix, Holdings, etc.)
  • Temporary and alternate flight plans
  • Full VNAV guidance with TOC, TOD, Deceleration point, speed limits, fuel prediction, etc.
  • Altitude and speed constraints as the real aircraft deals with them
  • Ability to change the selected STAR while already in the STARSupport for go-arounds and diversions
  • Step altitudes
  • Airway support
  • 2 independent MCDUs and autopilots

Top-notch aircraft systems:

  • ToLiss uses the QPAC Fly-by-wire and autopilot module
  • Brake temperature model based on the detailled physics of heat transfer between the individual brake components
  • Hydraulics model in which the pressure is dependent on usage. This is most notable when dropping to RAT mode
  • Detailled model of each ADIRU including alignment, small pressure sensor differences between the units, switching of sources for PFDs
  • Custom air conditioning model supporting high altitude operations at airports like Cusco in Peru or La Paz in Bolivia without spurious warnings
  • Flight warning system with ECAM actions supporting numerous system failure scenarios, e.g. engine failures, generator failures, hydraulic failures.

Eye- and ear-candy:

  • Detailled 3D cockpit
  • 3d exterior model with CFM and IAE engine
  • Choice between classic wingtip fences or modern sharklets (controlled via livery names)
  • Custom sounds for all systems, engine sounds, APU etc. based about 80 custom samples

Usability features:

  • Situation loading and saving. It is possible to save the flight at any point in time and resume it another day. This can also be used, e.g., to save the position just before approach and practice just the approach many times.
  • Autosaving allows recovering where you left off, should the X-Plane session end unexpectedly.
  • Jumping waypoint-to-waypoint through the cruise phase: Shorten your flight to focus on the more interesting parts as you like.

Unfortunately, the 319 follows FFA320's track of not utilising FMOD, which is rapidly becoming the ultimate audio standard across the X-Plane add-on development community. We remain hopeful that the future will introduce full FMOD support. As a beta tester for the ToliSS319, I was very happy with the receptive attitude of ToliSS fixing visual issues; actively relaying feedback from me to the 3d modeller that supplies ToliSS. Therefore the model, is more updated and refined than the FFA320's. Not a lot of developers has got that work ethic to fixing their aircraft visually, and it's something that is unique and special; one that sets ToliSS apart from the pool of developers. The ToliSS319 may possibly be another perfect balance between visuals, and systems. Something that is rare and is seen only in a few products such as the IXEG 737, and Rotate MD-80.

My approach to criticism is typically "there is no such thing as a perfect model", so there is always room for improvement. ...If criticism is constructive and I can agree with it, I wouldn't see a reason not to consider it.

GlidingKiwi - ToliSS developer.

The cost is reasonable, pricing is $69, and serves as a great complementary product to the FF A320.

The aircraft supports both X-Plane 10, and X-Plane 11, and supports three platforms in contrast to the FFA320's non-linux support.

Windows (64bit) , Mac (OSX 10.11 and up) or Linux (tested on Ubuntu 14.10)

2Gb VRAM Minimum (4Gb+ VRAM Recommended)

You can buy the aircraft on the .org store: LINK

ToliSS website: LINK

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