Verticalsim Previews Tampa International Airside E & F Terminals

April 30, 2020
nobody, apparently.

New renders of Verticalsim's Tampa International Airport have been released, according to two posts on the developer's Facebook page.

They show renders of Airside E and Airside F, two of four active terminals currently operating at the airport. The renders below show Airside E.

And below, is Airside F. Verticalsim added in this Facebook post that there are "[two] more airsides to go."

Verticalsim has meandered their way through several changes in the roadmap of their sceneries to make Tampa.

The airport was first released as freeware some time ago, but the developer opted to make Tampa payware for high-quality treatment.

Priorities were later changed to put Tampa ahead of Myrtle Beach, with further previews distributed not too long later.

The price and feature set followed one-and-a-half months later, and today's news is where the developer is currently at.

Sarasota International is the latest payware release from Verticalsim, whilst Waukesha is the latest freeware release.

Threshold recently had the chance to sit down with Verticalsim and chat about real-world airlines post-COVID-19. Available to listen here.

Verticalsim is available to follow on Facebook.

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