X-Codr Announces Airport Enhancement Package (AEP)

April 14, 2020
nobody, apparently.

A new development has been announced over on the x-plane.org forum by scenery maker X-Codr. In short, it is similar to existing packages such as MisterX6's Airport Environment HD, Pyreegue Dev Co.'s Airport Layout Enhancement Solution, and others, but is designed to replace all default airport assets including textures and models.

"I’m happy to announce the development of Airport Enhancement Package! Airport Enhancement Package (AEP) is a package designed to replace the majority of all default airport assets with higher resolution textures and more detailed models," wrote the developer in the post.

"In addition, AEP offers limited regionalization, certain key buildings and all vegetation will be adjusted based on the region to more accurately reflect the region. This package will greatly enhance realism and immersion at all default airports, and any 3rd party airports that rely on default airport assets."

A long list of features was included, as listed below.

  • Most individual airport buildings replaced with new ultra-detailed models
  • Most airport facades replaced with new ultra-detailed models
  • Most building models feature nearly 4 pixel per inch resolution and lite interiors
  • Most “clutter” models replaced with new realistic higher resolution models
  • Most default airport sim objects (beacons, taxi signs, etc) replaced with new higher resolution versions
  • Many ground vehicles replaced with higher resolution variants
  • All tree objects replaced with new realistic high performance 3d trees
  • All default pavement replaced with new realistic 4 pixel per inch resolution pavement
  • All default markings replaced with new UHD markings
  • All ground textures (except the non-polygon ground textures) and buildings feature accurate and realistic PBR Normal maps
  • All ground textures have been specially designed to minimize repetition, including use of large-scale decals and custom mip maps
  • All models feature advanced LOD technology to maximize detail while creating a minimal performance impact
  • Ground textures feature optional weather effects
  • Vegetation features optional seasonal effects
  • All models and textures are made to resemble the default models as closely as possible, so you see exactly what the author intended, except in a higher level of details and resolution.
  • Limited regionalization replaces certain models, textures, and vegetation to give different parts of the world a unique and realistic feel

AEP will not enhance every airport entirely, based on existing X-Plane features and limitations.

"This package replaces a huge number of assets and makes a huge difference in how default airports look, however, there are a few things that AEP will not do. I want to make these things clear just so that everyone knows exactly what AEP will and will not do in order to avoid people expecting something different."

  • AEP will not replace the old style terminals as they are being phased out; AEP will not replace Terminal Kit as Terminal Kit already looks fantastic
  • AEP will not replace the old style jetways as they are being phased out; AEP will not replace Jetway Kit as Jetway Kit already looks fantastic
  • AEP will not take a default airport that is 2d and make it 3d nor will it add extra objects to an airport. AEP replaces textures and objects, it does not add them.
  • AEP will only add normal maps/weather effects to polygon pavement, the pavement that is made placed via an apt.dat can not have these effects added by any addon unfortunately. If this changes in the future. AEP will quickly add this feature set to apt.dat pavement.

In terms of compatibility, X-Codr ensured there would be no issues with other airport enhancements packs such as AEHD or ALES, although the position of each package in scenery_packs.ini was said to determine which textures a user could see in the simulator.

X-Codr said there was no release date due to its nature of being a "massive project", and was not able to gauge a date of completion. Whilst AEP has been in production for a couple of months, it was stated "there is still much work to be done."

The developer continued: "Keep in mind that AEP still has a ways to go, so there are quite a few assets in these pictures that are incomplete or not yet replaced. In addition, for the airport surrounding I am using ZL17 ortho along with SFD Global and US Forests in most areas, however, all airports are default. Of course, as development continues I will post tons more screenshots of progress."

For more screenshots and to request screenshots of a specific airport, head on over to the x-plane.org forum where the post was made.

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