FlightSimCon 2019 Goes Online, Talks “Greed & Piracy”
Note: There are two North American FS-related conventions going on this year - FlightSimCon and FlightSimExpo. Threshold will be reporting live from FSExpo, however, we'll have at least one watching FSCon too. It's important not to confuse the two.
FlightSimCon claims to be "The Original" North American FS convention on its website, rivalling the more recently established FlightSimExpo, which hosted it's first event in Las Vegas last year.
For FlightSimCon 2019, the organisers have decided to take the event online, over three days from June 7-9. This occurs on the same weekend as FlightSimExpo in Orlando.
Confirming previously known details, the press release on their Facebook Page announces that the 7th Annual FSC plans to delve into the world of "piracy and greed in the Flight Simulation community."
Besides the announcement of the opening of registration, the second half of the press release descended into a series of informal cherry-picked macabre details of the conflict between the two events. The FSC team take aim at the other major flightsim event, in Orlando, promising to “share the entire letter” from founders Evan Reiter and Phil Coyle that was sent to FSC, accusing the duo of taking advantage of the convention’s growth and popularity after splitting off to create their own conference.
From conversations between the two rival events to private exchanges with Orbx founder, John Venema - supposedly criticising the venue locale of FlightSimExpo 2018, FSC appears to also implicate Boston Virtual ARTCC in its long Facebook post, claiming they leeched off FlightSimCon's publicity to grow.
The original press release can be found here. Registration and tickets are free and can be obtained by navigating through their website, which can be found here.
The closing date for registration is June 6 2019, at 11:59 PM EDT. An email invitation with instructions will be sent to you prior to the event starting date before the event that will include the online meeting ID and/or join link.
FSC have planned on seminar sessions each day of the event, which will last for a few hours:
Friday, June 7 – 5:00 – 6:30 PM EDT – Introduction and History of FlightSimCon
Saturday, June 8 – 1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT – FSC’s Truth
Sunday, June 9 – 1:00 – 2:30 PM EDT – Examples and Discussion of Greed and Piracy in the World of Flight Sim
While our physical team will be present at FSExpo 2019 for live coverage of that event, we’ll provide coverage of FlightSimCon as it happens on our computers to paint a clearer picture on two ends.
Threshold has contacted FlightSimCon founder Nicole Glander for comment.
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