Fenix Simulations Releases New A320 Update

Fenix Simulations has recently updated their A320 add-on to v1.0.5.139, addressing a significant list of issues, including flare law tweaks, flap behavior, sound fixes, and the return of contrails.

There is an in-depth forum post regarding their findings on the landing behavior, including comparisons with real-world data and footage, which can be a worthwhile read for A320 aficionados.

The complete changelog follows down below:


- Adjusted custom low speed friction model

- Adjusted G/S mini logic

- Fixed beacon/strobe desync

- Fixed flap 2 to flap 3 excessive nose-down ballooning in manual flight and autoflight.

- Adjusted tuning for G/S hold for better tracking of G/S in autopilot modes

- Autoland told to stop mucking about and do the job properly, should flare a little more aggressively now.

- Fixed issue with loss of ILS signal in the FMS autotuner. This causes lack of yaw control during ROLLOUT, leading to grassy excursions. Please note, it's possible this issue still exists in specific sceneries that do not have their guidance beams set up properly.

- ISA fixed.

- Small tweaks to FLARE mode behaviour.

- Introduction of LIGHTER/HEAVIER sidestick option in CONTROL CONFIG, default changed to "lighter" for desktop hardware. 

- Changed amount of force needed to disconnect autopilot with stick pressure. Now a user needs to apply roughly 60% of travel before the AP will disconnect. This is the best way we can emulate a "control lock" which requires a fair amount of force to disconnect.

- Disabled brake temperature simulation for GSX pushbacks.

- Reduced sensitivity of yaw when nose wheel is in contact with the ground, leading to significantly smoother yaw control during crosswind landings and at high speeds.

- Minor refinements to initial VNAV descent angle calculations. 

- Fixed issue where the flat deceleration segment for 250kts was missing when a "at or above" altitude constraint was present.


- Slight bump to flap full lift, aircraft should feel more responsive in flap full configurations, ergo FLARE feels slightly more energetic now as opposed to throwing elevator up into a bowl of porridge. All in, this should be more consistent, simply put. The prior the lack of lift was causing inertia issues. Please be aware of this on your next approach, some refamiliarization might be required.

- Made a small adjustment to lateral friction values

- Made a small adjustment to ground spoiler effectiveness


- All exterior lights now volumetric

- Added back missing antennas

- #bringbackcontrails

- Volume bug resolved preventing some sounds from playing at their intended volume

- Fixed nose gear retraction sounds

- Brighter cockpit

- Sound fixes and improvements (flaps/slats/fuel-pumps/AEVC/packs)

The update is available on their website for registered customers. 

Stay tuned to Threshold for more flight simulation news!

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